Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Motor Done!

Well it's a good thing that the Cannonball isn't next week as long as it has taken me build this motor.  Head cold, flu, and just a overall things not going my way, made it seem like this thing took months to finish.  This was my first attempt to do nickle plating.  I used the Caswell system and lots of phone time with George Y.  I did my cylinders, heads, intake, and oil pump.  Parts look OK, just have to wait and see what the heat does..  I did replace flywheels with  S&S flywheels from Randy Walker, that worked out real well!!  Then got a rebuilt mag from Marks Mags through Randy as well.  I also want to mention the help that Kent Thompson has been, my right side case was junk and he had a better one..  Thanks again to George, Randy and Kent.

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