Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Our AMCA Future and My Extra Help

Jared (dad), Steve (Mipa), Jordan Rose, and Great-Grandad Buck -- Jordan's 1st Ride
Jared (Dad) and Karter on her 1st ride

Jordan Rose - Age 6
Karter Kaye - Age 3

Time out during the building process to let my grandchildren ride their 1st motorcycles.... and OF COURSE,   the first ride they all took had to be on an Indian.  They all took a turn on the Indian Mini Mini with training wheels before they rode some of the other mini bikes that I had for them as well. 
Spencer Bella - Age 2 
Karson Douglas - Age 3

Karter and Spencer spent 3 weeks and Karson was here for six weeks during my cannonball bike building process, so they got to help me!  Karson started out timid in the shop, but soon could find his way around. From the "oil fountain" (my hone machine) to getting tools out of my locked snap-on tool box on his own!
first rider in over 20 years

i guess he should do more measuring parts may actually fit.
Old Ginger really made a mess (2012 cannonball ride)

More honing

Are you sure you tightened this one
this will be my milling machine!!

I watched my Mipa do this on the real shiny wheels.  Except he was yelling words I don't here that often.

Proud guy on Mipa's 36 Indian Chief for the 2014 Cannonball!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Look At My Girl, Rose

Meet ROSE - my 1936 Chief for the 2014 Cannonball Run
1st test run .... Awesome!

A little help from the front office

For those of you that know me realize that when talking about building a bike I always say "We done this and we do that".  But you also know that I work by myself now.  Well the We part I guess refers to my wife DeeDee.  So I want to take this time and thank her for the help on this project.  She is also responsible for the blog and taking all the pics.  She has also been on my rear end to get the project started.  At this point I wish I would have listened to her. Because it feels like I'm two months behind with time running out.  I will also ad the she has sure put up with alot of my BULL!!!
 She forgot to ad the rubber tank strip.  I would have remembered hahahaha!!

Lights and Action Soon To Come

while waiting on paint to dry, time to start wiring.
Front fender dry enough to install.  waiting on tanks still....

Dressing Her Up!

Jeff pointing out what to do, since he's the painter!

Hurry up and wait...again!  Adding the decals before the clear.  Then, wait 2 days for clear to harden.